
I visited my "mother in law" on Saturday and she was in much better spirits so it was a much more pleasant visit and we actually had a few laughs.
I really went along with the ex and the girls, partly because I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to see her and partly because the girls hate to be alone with their father.
He's just an emotionally unavailable person.

Friday I spent the day with my "friend" or as he says "very good friend" my girls, my nephew and his niece at a local amusement park. I HATE amusement parks, I don't "do" rides, but I went because the girls wanted to go and I wanted to give that to them.
The day went rather well and the girls were happy.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday I took a 10 hour Zumba certification course.
Yes, 10 hours of dancing.
I was exhausted BUT the good news is that a person could burn up to 10 calories in a Zumba class SOOoOOOO I had Wendy's Baconator double cheese burger for lunch.
You know the only reason I exercise is so I can eat like a horse!!!
Anyhoo...So I got certified to teach Zumba yesterday.
So did about 60 other people.
Out of the remaining people I'd only recommend taking classes from about 6 of them.
I could see the frustration in the face of our Instructor as she was trying to get the other 54 people to just...move in the correct direction.
My boss does not pay his instructors NEAR enough, if he saw the general lack of talent that is out there he would be worshipping at our feet.

Speaking of worshipping I became an Ordained Minister the other day.
Yes, I am now an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church.
I'm not really sure except that it has relived some boredom and become a great conversation starter.
I am available for all your wedding, funeral and baptismal needs PLUS I can choreograph your first dance together, if you're a bride or groom of course.


SignGurl said...

Holy crap, I'm first!!

You are an amazing mother to help your children through this time. This will stay with them forever.

I need to check out this Zoomba stuff. Sounds like fun.

And holy Batman on a cross, you are ordained? I can see the line forming to have you officiate ceremonies. Very cool!

Jim said...

Hmmm . . . the Zumba link didn't work for me, for some reason. I think I'll have to request a personal demo, please . . . ;-)

So this doesn't upset the apple cart as far as your other religous beliefs go, or have you given that up?


Dark Lady said...

Yes, SG ordained!

Jim, I embrace the almighty $$ so if this makes me money...

Karl said...

Good Morning Dark Lady,

So does this mean you'll officially come dance on my grave?

Dark Lady said...

Oh Karl, that's a good one!
I'm gonna use it!

SheenV said...


Heather said...

It's good to hear that your MIL is in good spirits. Your girls are lucky to have you.

Congrats on the the certification. I would love to take some dance classes, I just like so far from anywhere and gas prices, OMG.

What the Chuck said...

Hi DL,

So, during the carnal act, will screaming 'Oh God' mean something different? ;-)



Slow Learner said...

'Emotionally unavailable' - what a bloody brilliant euphemism :o)

Glad things have picked up a bit!

Hugs and kisses!

KJ said...

You only burn 10 calories with Zumba?